Monday, May 16, 2011

Welcome to my little world

Hello there..this is my first blog. I am learning how to navigate on the computer.  I thought it will be fun by having a blog. I can share what  inspires me which include a wide variety of  interesting things and what keeps me occupied.  Being a wife, mother,and a grandma and a volunteer, my time is centered on my family, friend and community.


  1. Congratulations and I know you will make this really special.Love!

    1. so glad that you like it...I feel I have a lot to share ..thank love...

  2. I hope you really enjoy having your own blog and that you meet a lot of wonderful bloggers to share and learn new things.

  3. MashaAllah you are an inspiration on good health.
    Looking forward to reading them.
    Keep them always.

  4. thank you love for visiting blog..I will try to do my best to keep it healthy but mostly I will be sharing my gluten-free recipes..Some of them I do not get success and some turns out good..It is very difficult to work with gf flours and the ingredients..and they are expensive and hard to get...
